Covid-19 Update

Covid-19 Update:

Our Forestgate East London Centre is OPEN for Training.

Due to the current situation and following Risk Assessments, new measures and procedures will be in place when attending training.
• Social Distancing
• Smaller Class Sizes
• PPE (Masks and Gloves provided)
• Temperature Checks
• Hand Sanitiser available
• Regular disinfecting and sanitisation in all areas

All Government and Public Health Guidelines and Procedures are in place and we hope that all our customers will help us maintain and respect these procedures to provide a great learning experience at our Centres.

1 Ace training centres and COVID-19 – what to expect

I’m sure that you are by now aware that from Thursday 5th November there is to be a lockdown in England alongside the current lockdown taking place in Wales and Northern Ireland and new tiered restrictions in Scotland.

We have learned from the authorities that training is considered as an ‘essential service’. We can confirm that our centres will remain open during this period.

Your health and safety are our primary concern and we have a number of established measures in place to ensure that our training take place in a COVID -secure environment:

However, we remain as flexible as you need us to be, if during this period you do not wish to travel or take your training, please contact our Customer Care team by replying to this email.

This is an ever-changing situation and we will continue to provide updates through our social media channels (Facebook and Twitter) and our website and will contact you directly if your test is affected by any future changes.

1 Ace training centre’s training is available across the United Kingdom and we are committed to providing you with the safest test experience possible.

Candidates are asked to wear face masks. To comply with government guidelines, you will be required to wear a facial covering inside the 1 Ace Centre building. If you arrive without a face mask one will be provided free of charge.

We will require you to briefly take off your mask at the registration desk to allow us to confirm your identity. You will be required to maintain social distancing.

We thank you in advance as we all work together to create the safest possible environment.

Same training, different delivery  

In response to the situation created by COVID-19, we have introduced a way for you to take your SIA and other relevant Trainings at 1 Ace training centres during this time of pandemic.

You will now take your training in controlled environment and with less physical contact keeping social distancing. There is no change to the training and exam length, content and skills assessed for the course.

Some aspects of the training experience will necessarily differ from standard processes. We explain here what to expect and what we are asking you to do support the safeguarding measures we are putting in place.

What you can expect on the day

Because of the ongoing risks around Coronavirus (Covid-19), we will be making some changes to the way we deliver SIA training.

To increase safety, we are restricting the flow of people at our test points and we have:

  • Reduced the daily capacity
  • Added additional training dates to make up for the reduced daily capacity
  • Asked candidates to arrive strictly at the time stated in their confirmation email
  • Restricted access to only those candidates booked to take a training (this means there is no waiting in the communal areas for friends or family members)
  • All trainings will continue to take place at SIA approved 1 Ace training centres
  • One-to-one Physical Intervention with trainers will be delivered with reduced physical contact.

To prevent the potential spread of the virus we have:

  • Introduced social distancing, with clear markings, within training centres
  • Provided clear signage and posters for guidance
  • Introduced a no hand shaking policy
  • Installed sneeze-guards at our registration desks
  • Provided hand sanitiser gel, antibacterial wipes and tissues
  • Introduced a regular cleaning and sanitisation schedule
  • Asked candidates to wear face masks inside training centres
  • Use of PPE and gloves during PI training

We have also introduced some new procedures:

  • Candidates or staff showing signs and symptoms of Coronavirus (Covid-19) will not be allowed into the training centres and must follow the Government advice.
  • Any candidates unable to attend a 1 Ace training due to risk of Coronavirus will be offered a free rescheduled booking by calling 0203 983 4570 or emailing
  • Candidates or staff who have been in contact with someone who may have contracted Coronavirus must follow Government advice before attending the training
  • We reserve the right not to allow anyone into a 1 Ace Training Centre who is displaying any symptoms of the virus, including:
    • fever
    • cough
    • shortness of breath
    • muscle aches

All practices and procedures are subject to change and we will be constantly monitoring the situation in line with official guidance and best practice.

Thank you once again for your patience and understanding.

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