SIA Door Supervisor

SIA door supervisor course for SIA license

  • Duration: 6 days
  • East London Price: £194.99
SIA Door Supervisor Licence

You can also work as a security guard with this license. The complete name of this qualification is level 2 awards in door supervision. The qualification is offered by many awarding bodies approved by the security industry authority which is the regulator for the security industry in the United Kingdom. The door supervisor training course is designed and delivered at level 2, which means it is an entry-level qualification intended for a person who is aspiring to join the security industry in UK.

The door supervisor training course will allow you to work as a door supervisor in licensed premises. Licensed premises does not only include night clubs and pubs only it includes any place where alcohol is being sold in retail like retail supermarkets, restaurants hotels etc. The door supervisor qualification will allow you get an SIA door supervisor license which will allow you to work as a Door Supervisor as well as a Security Guard.

Door supervisor upskilling SIA license renewal training

This is a qualification introduced by SIA, and from 1st April 2021 onwards all door supervisors with a previous qualification or door supervisor license wishing to renew would be required to take this training. If you wish to renew your SIA door supervisor license you may have to take this qualification rather than the complete course. Find out more about the door supervisor upskilling course

Who needs the door supervisor license

Anyone who wants to work in the private security industry as a door supervisor he requires to get a licence from the industry regulator which is SIA. In order to obtain a door supervisor licence he or she would be required to undergo appropriate training from an approved training provider such as us. It is a criminal offense to work in the security industry without a valid and relevant license.

Door supervisor course duration

The level two awards for door supervision is conducted over a period of six days, whereby there should be a minimum of 44 contact hours maintained between the trainer and the learners. The contact hours exclude the time for breaks.

Minimum age requirement door supervisor training

The minimum age required for anyone to undertake the level 2 awards in door supervision leading to an SIA license is 18 and above.

General Information about the qualification

Total units: 4
Minimum Contact Hours 44
Credit Value 4

Door Supervisor Training Course contents:

SIA Door Supervisor Course Modules: 

Unit 1: Principles of Working in the Private Security Industry

  • Know the main characteristics and purposes of the Private Security Industry
  • Understand legislation as it applies to a security operative
  • Understand arrest procedures relevant to security operatives
  • Understand the importance of safe working practices
  • Understand fire procedures in the workplace
  • Understand emergencies and the importance of emergency procedures
  • Understand how to communicate effectively as a security operative
  • Understand record keeping relevant to the role of the security operative
  • Understand terror threats and the role of the security operative in the event of a threat
  • Understand how to keep vulnerable people safe
  • Understand good practice for post incident management

Unit 2: Principles of Working as a Door Supervisor in the Private Security

  • Understand crimes relevant to door supervision
  • Know how to conduct effective search procedures
  • Understand drug-misuse legislation, issues and procedures relevant to the role of a door supervisor.
  • Understand preservation of evidence relevant to the role of a door supervisor
  • Understand licensing law relevant to the role of a door supervisor
  • Understand queue management and venue capacity responsibilities relevant to a door supervisor
  • Know how to use equipment relevant to a door supervisor

Unit 3: Application of Conflict Management in the Private Security Industry

  • Understand the principles of conflict management appropriate to the role
  • Understand how to recognise, assess and reduce risk in conflict situations
  • Understand the use of problem-solving techniques when resolving conflict
  • Be able to communicate to deescalate conflict

Unit 4: Application of Physical Intervention Skills in the Private Security Industry (13 hours must be contact time), this module was incorporated in the door supervisor qualification in 2010 and the trainer will teach the learners non pain compliant techniques.

  • Understand physical interventions and the implications of their use
  • Understand the risks associated with using physical intervention
  • Understand how to reduce the risks associated with physical intervention
  • Be able to use physical skills to protect yourself and others

Group Bookings:

Should your company offer SIA door supervisor training and development for bigger groups, we offer an unbeatable deal for group sizes over 10. Our trainers can use your venue or our own.

Locations for door supervisor training

We can arrange to provide the door supervisor qualification anywhere in the UK either through ourselves or our associates and affiliates. Our main focus to deliver the door supervisor qualification is in greater London. We can deliver the qualification in all London towns.

How long it will take door supervisor certificate

The door supervisor SIA security training is covered over a period of minimum six days. During the course you will be taught and assessed various practical trainings. On the last day of your training you will be examined by multiple choice exams. You will receive your results mostly within four working days but the certificate for door supervision usually arrives in ten working days.

When can I apply for my SIA door supervisor licence

When you have been told by your training provider that you have successfully completed you SIA door supervisor training and you have passed, you can apply for your licence.

Where can I get training for door supervisor course

You can choose us to arrange for your training needs for the course enabling you to apply for a licence on successful completion or you can choose any other approved training provider.

What are the types of security licences

There are two broad categories of the SIA licence which are the front line and non-front line licences, the non-front line as the name suggests is for people who would not be actively employed at the front line, for instance managers etc. On the contrary the front line licence is required for those people who wish to work as door supervisors, security guards and cctv operators etc.

Door supervisor training locations

We can arrange to provide the SIA door supervisor training in any venue may be hired by us or at our clients venue provided if it is a corporate booking. Our centre in forest gate is well suited to provide training requirements for door supervisor training in east London area, we can easily cover Walthamstow, Stratford, Ilford, Forest Gate, Manor Park. We aim to provide our customers the cheapest door supervisor training, however cheap door supervisor training does not mean that budget will compromise the quality of your training. Though being affordable we shall never compromise on the compliance and quality standards.

Duration of door supervisor training

The SIA door supervisor training course is a six days intensive training the course starts at 0900 am and finishes at 6:00 pm on all six days.

Door supervisor training exam

The door supervisor exam is a multiple choice examination. Every module will be examined separately.
Module 1 72 multiple choice questions and you need to achieve 51 correct answers to pass the exam 70%
Module 2 50 multiple choice questions and you need to achieve 35 correct answers to pass the exam 70%
Module 3 20 multiple choice questions and you need to achieve 14 correct answers to pass the exam 70%
Module 4 30 multiple choice questions and you need to achieve 24 correct answers to pass the exam 80%

What is the best SIA qualification that can lead to a job?

The option for someone to start a career in the security industry is to do the door supervisor qualification as it will allow you to work in majority of venues. In simple terms if you do the door supervisor training which allows you apply for an SIA door supervisor licence you can work as a door supervisor as well as a security guard.

If I do the door supervisor course would I only limited to night clubs and pubs?

No, this is a general misconception that door supervisors only work at night clubs and pubs. In fact door supervisors can work at a site where a normal security guard is required, besides they can also work as security officers at licensed premises and night clubs and pubs being few examples of licensed premises, your normal security market is a licensed premises’ as well as they are selling alcohol in retail. Mc Donald’s is a licensed premises as well if they are selling hot meals after 11pm at night.

What is the best combination for security qualifications?

The best combination for security qualifications would be door supervisor, cctv, Fire Marshal, and the FAW i.e. first aid at work this combination is most likely to get you a job.

Would I be provided with door supervisor course material?

Yes you would be provided with the relevant course material in order to qualify.

When would I get my results?

You should expect your result for the door supervisor course in five days time.

What would I learn in the door supervisor training?

You would be covering four modules which include theory, practical and you would be assessed for the theoretical as well as the practical part of the training

Where would the training conducted?

The door supervisor training in London is conducted in various venues however most of the courses for door supervision in London would be conducted near Stratford as this venue has excellent communication links and is very easily accessible to people on train, DLR, tube, train and bus. The Stratford centre can be easily approached and is popular amongst people living in Romford, Stratford, Bethnal green, Eastham, barking, Ilford, forest gate and manor park. The centre is very conveniently located. There is free parking available near the centre as well.

Which is the best security training?

The best security qualification is door supervisor plus cctv.

How long is the Door supervisor training?

The door supervisor training is for minimum of six days, in these six days 44 contact hours are required to be met.

How is the learner assessed for the door supervisor licence?

There are four multiple choice exams which are required to be taken by the learner and he/she would be required to pass all four of them. In case he fails any of them he would be required to take a resit.

When can I apply for my door supervisor licence?

Once we tell you that you have passed and the result has been uploaded, at this point you can apply for your SIA door supervisor licence by going to the SIA website. Link for your reference

When can I get my door supervisor certificate?

You should get your door supervisor certificate in 10 days.

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