SIA Training Ilford Essex

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Door supervisor Topup Upskilling CCTV and Security Guard Training Ilford

We provide the most affordable SIA compliant qualifications in Ilford. Our SIA door supervisor and security guard training course starts at £99 once there are offers available on our website. The courses conducted in ilford which comes in east london and is a part of essex are on a flexible pattern. You can take all the modulues together or stragger your course as per your convienience.

Duration of Sia Security Training Courses ilford

  • Door supervisor Training Course Duration Ilford : The door supervisor training in ilford is conducted over a period of four days. During the entire year 90 percent of the door supervisors training will start on thursday and finish on sunday. The timings for the course would either be from 0930 to 1830 hrs or from or 0900 hrs to 1800 hrs.
  • CCTV Training Course Duration Ilford : Most of the cctv courses that are conducted in our ilford venue would start on monday and finish on thursday. The courses start at 0930 till 1800 hrs on all four days.
  • Security Guard Training Course Duration Ilford : The security guard training has three modules in it as compared to the door supervisor qualification which has four modules, The course would start at 0930 till 1800 hrs daily for three days in ilford starting on thursday and ending on saturday.

Security Training venue Ilford East London Essex

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